Exact Aiming

Exact Aiming

№ 11256405
المؤلف: 400kg
إلغاء (ESC)
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تعليقات: 616
MIGAMEN952 د. 10 h. قبل
When I started with the score 16k I never thought I would get to 24k in a few months. Giving yourself a challange to break your record everytime gives you the motivation and suddenly you'll start to aim better than a sniper.
blackwolf_3653 د. قبل (تم التعديل في 26 ثانية.)
бyлo 15к. зaбив нa цю фiгню. з чacoм пiдшaмaнив мишкy, вiндy, dpi, в iгpax вcix cинxpoнiзyвaв ceнcy. зapaз з пepшoгo paзy нa iзi бeз нaпpягy 20к. щo xoчy cкaзaти: нe гpaйтe цe гiвнo - цe нe тpeнyвaння. цe чиcтo бeнчмapк вac i вaшoї cиcтeми. якщo чacтo в цe гpaти -цe бyдe пpocтo бeзмicтoвнe зaдpoчyвaння. i тaк мoжнa cкaзaти пpo вci iгpи нa цьoмy caйтi

I used to get 15k. Gave up on this crap. After a while I tweaked my mouse, Windows, DPI, synced sensitivity across all games. Now I easily hit 20k first try. What I'm saying is: don't play this shit - it's not training. It's purely a benchmark for you - human and your system. If you play it often it's just pointless grinding. And that goes for all the games on this site.
الردود: 4
توسيع الإجابات الأخرى (1)
caperdiem3 د. قبل
blackwolf_365, The essence of aiming is
hand-eye  coordination
blackwolf_3652 د. 9 h. قبل
caperdiem,  2D≠3D and the mouse movement is limited here because of the small window. i used my wrist here (which made it even easier to ‘train’), while in games the whole arm
caperdiem1 د. 20 h. قبل
blackwolf_365, u can use lower dpi.for example top 1 is 450 3/11.
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